Premier League Fixtures 2009/10

For those of you that weren't already aware, today's the day the Premier League releases it's fixtures for the 2009/10 season.

It's a day of great excitement but one that's somewhat stifled by the inability of blogsites like us to display any of those fixtures. We'd like to show you who your favourite team's playing in the opening weeks of the season, who they're playing over the Christmas period and who they're playing when the excrement hits the fan as the season's ending in May, but we can't.

We've already discussed the frustration we feel about the Premier League's strict copyright laws in the past, so let's not get too bogged down in all of that now. Instead, let us point you in the direction of the Premier League website where full details of all the important fixtures will be displayed for your viewing pleasure from 10:00 BST today.

(Oh and let's not forget the Football League fixtures too - they're avaiable via the Football League website...)